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Arts, Culture and Community

As part of his commitment to promoting arts and culture, Johan serves as the Chairman of the Saatchi Gallery.

Since 1985, the Saatchi Gallery has presented contemporary art exhibitions showcasing the work of emerging artists.

The London-based gallery’s educational programmes aim to reveal the possibilities of artistic expression to young minds, encourage fresh thought and stimulate innovation.

Johan was an advisory board member of the Shimon Peres Peace Centre, World Peace Foundation, the Centre for Social Justice, and a member of the Mayor of London’s (Boris Johnson), Jerusalem’s and Rome’s International Business Advisory Councils.

He is a patron of the Stockholm University

He executive produced movies and television series such as Scarlett Pimpernel, Lady Chatterley, Best of Friends and Resort to Murder.

We must welcome insight and innovations from outside, whether those come from sports professionals, climate scientists, artists or cultural figures.

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